
David is one of those rare, priceless people in the tech world who not only Gets Things Done but will motivate and inspire others to be many times more productive as well. From the moment I met him in my technical interview at JustGiving he made my working life a pleasure; a challenging pleasure. If you ever get an opportunity to work with David, jump at it. You will learn a lot, achieve a lot, and have an awesome time doing it.

Simon Fenton Freelance Developer

Working with David was an amazing experience. He not only knew what he was talking about technically but he also always knew what the right answer was and had the right approach to dealing with problems. I learned a lot from David and hope I get a chance to work with him again.

Basem Jawahri Frontend UI Developer

...David is a passionate developer and is an advocate of writing clean SOLID code. David championed the use of OSS at JustGiving and is an active contributor to OSS projects. He led from the front in paying down technical debt and set an example for the entire dev team at JustGiving by building simple yet scalable solutions. David is a firm believer in Agile and led the Continuous Integration and deployment initiative at JustGiving. Pair programming with David was always an excellent learning experience for me, and a first hand experience of his refactoring and unit testing skills. His ability to communicate the technical perspective to the leadership team was his biggest strength, and their trust in him and the development team is a testimony to that...

Bala Iyer Senior Software Developer

...As an architect he'd often fashion simple solutions to complex problems and demonstrated the vision to drive our technical stack forward. He is full of passion and infectious optimism, and has a very broad technical understanding. As an architect he did a great job of bridging the gap between the development team, the business, external third parties and management team allowing the rest of us to focus on the stories for each sprint. As well as technical excellence he has a great understanding of agile, and fiercely promotes pragmatism. One of David's biggest strengths beyond his technical abilities is his ability to reason, qualify his and other peoples thoughts and communicate, something not to be undervalued.

Tim Butterfield Director at Kingham Software Limited

David is a true multi-disciplined technologist, he could function in almost any technical role and do it well. David likes programming, so that’s what he does – when your work is a hobby you do it well. His communication skills are incredible, he is a true mentor and leader and is always willing to share his technical knowledge with anyone that asks...

Tom Hudson Infrastructure Services Manager

Working with David is inspiring, he is a super talented Developer and Technical Architect. It's rare to meet a guy such as David who is able to inspire and lead a Dev team but also have great people skills and be able to communicate to non-tech people too.

Sonal Patel Front End Web Developer

The master of Getting Things Done. Even when there are a lot of moving parts, and people. Very productive coder, very good at seeing through the complexity.

Sam Salisbury Senior Developer

David has been a continuing source of inspiration for me when we worked together, he's not only a talented developer and a master in software architecture, he's also a real problem solver, he gets things done. David is probably even more impressive when it comes to set the right attitude for the people and the right culture for the company. He excels in leading people by example.

Antonio Fiumano Software Architect

David has done a fantastic job, first as a Senior Developer then as a Technical Architect. David has a track record of delivery and was the 'hands on' architect for most of our major projects. In addition to David's excellent technical capabilities David has excellent 'soft skills' - I've observed David's stakeholder management, leadership, conflict resolution and change management skills. I've always found David very approachable and easy to work with, in summary I would highly recommend David..

Darran Jones Software Consultant